An Introduction

Okay, so, as of 11/12/21 there’s only one person behind this website - me.

You might see a lot ‘we’ and ‘us’ written across DMC, because I thought it sounded more professional, even though this isn’t a business or an organisation.

I’m a trans man from the UK, and after the year we’ve just had, I wanted to make some sort of positive difference. So, I created this blog around the end of October 2021.

The naming of DMC is explained on the Home page, but to be quick about it, DMC is named after two of the first known trans people in the UK, Roberta Elizabeth Marshall Cowell and Laurence Michael Dillon - because without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Even if we still have a long way to go.

DMC is a resource for all trans people in the UK to learn how to transition. The blog on DMC is split up into four different categories - Social, Medical, Legal, and Mental Health.

The first three are the different ways that you can transition, and the last one is important because you need to know how to look after yourself as you transition.

I’m only one person, and I’ve done as much research as I can and written about what I know, using my own experiences as a guide. But I don’t know everything, so if anything I’ve posted sounds wrong, please tell me about it in the comments section.

I also pre-wrote all of the posts that are currently live as of 14/12/21, so if everything has the same post date, that’s why.

I’m notoriously bad at sticking to schedules, so I just wrote what I could beforehand. You might not like my writing style, which is fine.

It would be really great if any other trans people wanted to contribute their knowledge to this site, because right now it only has FtM information on it, as well as broader things like getting a Deedpoll and GRC.

So, if there’s any other trans writers out there, feel free to get in touch if you want to write for DMC.

You just need to be someone underneath the trans umbrella, because I would really love some more variety on this site. Non-binary, MtF, Genderqueer, anyone with any knowledge that I don’t have would be really good to have as a writer for DMC, including people of different ethnicities, sexualities, and religions.

This is a trans website, but I wouldn’t be opposed to opening up to other people who aren’t trans, but are part of the LGBT+ community in another way.

Anything on the blogs that says the author was DMC was written by me, but if anyone else joins DMC and wants to write their own posts, then their name will be in the author info of that post. Or a pseudonym. Or ‘Guest User’ if you want to be anonymous. But credit where credit’s due.

I can’t really compensate anyone for their generosity unfortunately, as much as I wish I could, but you would be adding to the knowledge of LGBT+ people online, that’s actually been written by LGBT+ people.

But everything goes through me, and I publish the posts, because I don’t want to just give people free reign without at least checking over what they’ve written first. I promise I’m not strict about what can be written, as long as it fits into one of the above categories.

Or the category ‘Our Stories,’ if you want to write about personal experiences or things that you think other people can learn something from. Or maybe you just want to share something with the world but don’t have anywhere like this to post it.

Why DMC?

Yeah, there’s already a load of blogs and websites about being trans, what makes DMC so special?

I haven’t see any other websites exactly like this one, where everything is in one place, or as much as it can be. The Resources page does, admittedly, link out to other websites.

Sure, there’s a lot of information out there for trans people who want to transition in the UK. There are also a lot of blogs out there full of details about how to do that, including personal stories and experiences.

But I’ve found that when I can find information about stuff like this, it’s difficult to understand, depending on if it’s written in a more ‘distanced’ kind of way. It’s wordy and formal.

You also have to click link after link to find out more. It’s not easily accessible if you’re new to all of this, have a ton of questions, and just need some simple guidance on how to get started.

DMC starts off with the basics, and moves out from there.

DMC also has a bunch of information on one website, instead of you having to go to multiple websites if you want to find out about medical vs legal transitioning, for example.

Now, because of personal reasons, I haven’t been able to be very useful to anyone this year. Which, fair enough, it hasn’t been a good one for most people.

But DMC is my way of being useful.

So, there it is. Go forth and prosper, or something like that.


DMC is a blog made to help guide trans people in the UK through their transitions.