Dollar Shave Club for Grooming

If you were assigned female at birth and have started taking Testosterone, then one of the side effects is hair growth.

Beard hair, leg hair, loss of head hair – it’s all happening.

And it’s a good thing! If that’s what you wanted from hormones, as well as helping to alleviate gender dysphoria at the same time with all the other side affects you get.

A lot of cis men grow up with their fathers or other parents teaching them how to shave, but as a trans person or as someone who came out later in life – you might not get that experience.

Not everyone grows facial hair on T, but it’s good to be prepared and to keep things neat if you have any stubble or anything else you need to deal with.

Hence, Dollar Shave Club.

We’re not affiliated with DSC here at DMC, and this isn’t a post that we get anything monetary from if you choose to buy things from them. We’re not sponsored by Dollar Shave Club, essentially.

But I personally use them for myself, which is why I’m recommending them to you.

They have a UK website so that you don’t have to deal with US shipping times and fees, so orders get to you quite quickly.

Their shaving products haven’t caused me any issues, but be wary of any individual reactions, because everyone’s different and any possible allergies are important to look out for.

General tips for shaving:

  • Don’t dry shave – use some sort of shaving foam to protect your skin.

  • Don’t go against the grain – shave downwards to lessen the chance of any ingrown hairs.

  • Be gentle – you need to apply a bit of pressure, but too much could really damage your face and hair follicles.

  • Change the razor you use every week – to keep things clean.

  • Be careful around spots and pimples.

  • If you use Dollar Shave Club, it’s better to go through each stage of shaving with the recommended products.

  • This includes using the Prep Scrub to prepare your face for shaving, the shaving cream of your choice (they have more than one), and the Post Shave Dew for aftercare.

  • It seems like a lot of steps, and a lot of men go electric if you prefer that, but each step is important in maintaining the health of your stubble or beard.

Dollar Shave Club also have other grooming products, and a lot of people use DSC in general, because they create high-quality products and are flexible in their repeat delivery schedules.

You can get things delivered once, or on a schedule from every week to every month to longer, and you can change this at any time in your account. You can also choose the exact date you want your delivery to be shipped out on.

They also have a trial sized version of the three main shaving products, so that you can give them a go for a smaller price.  This way, you lose less if you don’t like the product.

DSC may or may not work for you, but they’re what I’ve personally found useful, as well as affordable. They offer products beyond shaving, like showering and dental hygiene.

Plus, they do make some great cologne.


DMC is a blog made to help guide trans people in the UK through their transitions.


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